Friday, October 24

Fall Footwear

As the days are getting progressively cooler, I have noticed a definite lack in my fall footwear wardrobe. Per my definition, fall shoes are those with which I can wear socks (my feet get really cold). It currently consists of: one pair stiletto black boots, one pair flat black boots, one pair brown wedge booties. That's really about it. I have the standard black and brown stilettos mary janes, but I don't really count them in the fall category since it is a bit difficult to wear socks with them. I definitely  love to rock the bright tights with flats and heels, but sometimes I just wanna wear jeans. Hence, the necessity for sock friendly footwear. I am currently lusting after these from Urban Outfitters:
I think that these shoes would serve both of my fall purposes... tights and dresses as well as jeans and sweaters. It is a bit hard to tell from the picture, but they are grey, which I absolutely love. If I can't find my perfect grey boots, I'll settle for these lovely gems for now. 

I also found a few on Piperlime that I like as well, but I am definitely leaning toward the UO ones. Here are the two that are in the same price range as the ones above. (Of course I found tons of fall shoes that were absolutely gorgeous, but a bit beyond the current pharmacy student budget.)

Pink Studio: Jewel

 Me Too: Frost

So, what about you, my lovely readers? What are your favorite fall shoes and/or combinations? Tights and booties? Tall boots and skinny jeans? 

images courtesy of stores listed
copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. These shoes are absolutely gorgeous. I too got a pair of beautiful fall shoes from Masseys.
