Saturday, February 14

Happy Love Day

However you plan to spend the day....

...Cute and Comfy:

...Perhaps watching one of my favorite V-day movies:
Almost Famous -- Love, music, and the love of music.

Along Came Polly -- If you are in the mood to laugh.

...Or an evening out:

...Or just accessorizing:

...I hope you  have a beautiful day with someone whom you love... family, friends, significant others, pets, best friends, coworkers... anyone who makes you happy. Xoxo.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. i wouldn't mind being all out festive. hope you have a happy love day.

  2. I love the mix of comfy and cute. The best thing is getting dressed up, going out and then coming home and wearing comfy clothing (like that gorgeous F21 gray wrap) and eating some ice cream...heaven!

  3. I remember before I had J and I would buy you a Valentine :)

  4. Very cute selection! I really like the cameo ring and the pink ruffle shoes.
    Also thanks so much for the award!!(sorry I didn't come by sooner)
    Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day. Enjoy your day tomorrow :)

  5. I love the mix of grey and pink, the first two would totally go together too!
