Tuesday, June 2

Weekend Adventure No. 42: {a day on the lake}

This past Saturday was a beautiful, hot sunny day, perfect for a trip to the lake. K and I accompanied some family out on their boat for fishing, lunch, wake boarding, and good-old sunbathing. It was a welcomed treat to bask in the sun and say hello to the beginning of summer.

Happy, but tired from a long day in the sun, we celebrated summer by grilling turkey burgers w/ cheddar and arugula, complete with a side of sweet potato fries. What goes better with boats than burgers, right?

Here's wishing you all a happy start to summer. What are your plans? Small, local type trips or long vacations?

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. SO fun! Looks like you had a blast and those burgers look deLISH!

    I can't wait for our summer vacays... we are going to my parents beach house in SD and then to G's family reunion in Indiana!

  2. Yay for lake time!

    The Hubs & I are going out this Saturday & I am in need of some sun - I feel like I haven't had any time outside since our trip to Amelia Island two weeks ago : - )

    As for other summer plans, I have two other quick trips to Amelia Island planned for 4th of July weekend, and again in early August - but not much else. We're usually into a few, bigger, vacas but its not looking too promising since the Hub's gets limited vacation time one his first year in the new job...

    Oh well, we're grateful he at least has one!

    Can't wait to hear more about your plans & some more of that yummy food - now I'm in the mood for a Good, BIG, burger!

  3. Jessie, I am definitely jealous of your parents' beach house! What a perfect get away! Hope you enjoy all your summer trips!

    Arlynn, you definitely have me interested in Amelia Island! K and I may have to take a trip there in the near future :)
    I hear you about the job, though. I can't really take off too much now either, so we're settling for a few long weekend adventures.
