Sunday, October 18

frogtown trail challenge

last weekend husband and i ran in the
frogtown trail challenge,
a 4 or 10 mile course through the woods,
over streams, through lots of mud,
in the streams {an entire mile of husband's course was in the water}
up and down the stream banks,
over fallen trees, up and down a mountain....

and it was a blast!

making breakfast -- scrambled eggs and steel cut oats

the race began at 8am, so we had to leave ridiculously early.
it was dark outside for the majority of our drive to north georgia,
and we saw a very lovely sunrise once we arrived.

this was the first year we ran in this event,
so, not knowing what to expect,
i took the easy way out and only ran the 4 mile race,
but husband was a stud and went for the 10 miles!

crossing the stream on a fallen log
{this was the one and only time we didn't have to actually go through the water}

the last section of each course was nothing but mud.
it was slippery, wet, and a little bit smelly,
but it was really really fun.

since my course was much shorter, i finished earlier
and waited near the finish line for husband.
he was {understandably} pretty tired when he got to the end,
so i ran the last little bit with him.

we were incredibly muddy and
our shoes were completely soaked,
and it was the most fun trail run i've had in a while.

next year i will definitely be going for the 10 miles with k.
like i said before, it's just not as fun unless you get muddy!

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. you think the four mile run is wussing out? Um...I can't run one mile. Would you like to come train me?

  2. Thanks for the great review!
    So glad you guys had a good experience.
    Hope to see you both back next year.

    Kirk Childs
    Frogtown Race Director

  3. Pretty cool post.
    Mats Lundkvist,

  4. Looks like so much fun, A!!! And you and your hubby look awesome! The most exercise I got this weekend was drinking beer at the Decatur Beer Fest and "working it" (i.e. looking awkward) at a photo shoot. You guys are inspirational!

  5. Kirk, thanks for reading the blog and commenting! We really enjoyed the race and will definitely be back!

    Thanks to all of you for commenting as well!

  6. That looks absolutely wonderful!! I love running trails for something different. Although you fall more :) But it's worth it.

    We have some good ones here in Louisville Kentucky. I lived in Atlanta for two years and unfortunately wasn't as into running then as i am now :(. So sad.

    hope you don't mind i stole one of your pics 'cause i love the idea of running with your love.

    credited you here

    stop in sometime!


  7. oops... above comment by me and not johanna

    -Erin (Wren)
