Thursday, January 7

honey, can i borrow your shirt?

i absolutely love menswear.
if husband's clothes would fit me a bit better,
i would probably raid his closet for plaid shirts and
white button downs quite frequently.

unfortunately, his shirts are too big for me,
even if i am trying for the boyfriend look,
so i stick to my own clothes with menswear for inspiration.

blazer, the gap; white button down, the loft; jeans, paige denim; heels, lizard thicket boutique;
belt, urban; ring, charming charlie's; earrings, f21

for more ideas on raiding your husband/boyfriend's closet,
look here and here.



  1. Your blog is fabulous! So glad I found you. This look is perfection.

  2. I heard that Brooks Brothers for boys has some great blazers that fit nicely on ladies.

  3. southern hostess, thanks so much for reading!

    emmy, i will definitely check out brooks brothers. i was thinking about trying boys blazers but didn't know where to go. thanks for the tip!

  4. Love the outfit - especially the skinny pants. I'm a HUGE menswear fan too, but my boyfriend never does his laundry so I never get a chance to steal his shirts.

  5. love the look! you pull it off with ease- surprise, surprise!

  6. gorgeous... hmm, this might cause some trouble for my hubby's wardrobe ;)

    ♥ your shoes
