Saturday, February 6

oatmeal isn't just for breakfast

i love oatmeal. which is kind of weird considering that i just recently {as in this past summer, recently} began eating it in it's intended, breakfast cereal form. {we have husband to thank for that. i am now addicted to oatmeal with brown sugar and strawberries.}

even though i never had the taste for oatmeal cereal, oatmeal raisin cookies have been my favorite since i was a child. i still love the good old chocolate chip cookies {especially oatmeal chocolate chip cookies}, but there is something about the cinnamon-y, nutmeg-y taste of an oatmeal raisin cookie that just makes my day.

so recently i decided to try a couple martha stewart oatmeal cookie recipes. the first was a simple oatmeal, cranberry, and walnut variety that i made for a sweet friend's birthday. the recipe is pretty healthy since it calls for applesauce & whole wheat flour, and i love the combination of cranberries and walnuts in just about anything.

the second recipe that i am trying is for peanut butter-chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. these will be a bit more indulgent seeing as how the recipe calls for whole, salted peanuts {although i bought the ones that said lightly salted}, 1/2 cup of natural peanut butter, and chocolate chips. yum. i will let you know how they turn out!

what are your favorite types of cookies {besides chocolate chip}?

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

1 comment:

  1. Oatmeal Dried Cherry cookies are divine! You have to try them.
