Thursday, October 7

Twenty Eight

Today I turn another year older and begin my twenty-eighth year of life. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams by an incredibly loving husband, a supportive family, and wonderful friends. Sadly, as we get older, birthdays must be fit around everything else happening in life, and this year is no exception. Luckily, I have managed time for a few small celebrations of birthdays, friendship, and fall in general.

1. Asparagus-Gruyere Tart & homemade pumpkin pie shared with the one I love the most. (Seasonal recipes are my favorite!)

2. A shopping and coffee date with my bestie, who just happens to have the same birthday.

3. A girl's night in, complete with fall-inspired cupcakes (I'm thinking pumpkin!), girlie movies, and spiked cider.

4. Apple and pumpkin picking. (And then baking something delicious with said apples and pumpkins.)

5. Dinner and a movie with my mom and sister. It's our birthday tradition.

Happy fall, ya'll

image via weheartit

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. Happy Birthday! It sounds absolutely perfect. It's pretty great having a best friend with a birthday on or around yours, isn't it? My bestie is 2 days later, and our boys are 3 weeks and 2 weeks apart (although we didn't meet each other until we were about to have our 2nd, so it wasn't planned). Girl time is wonderful... as are cupcakes. I'm glad you're taking some time to spend it with the special people in your life.

  2. Happy happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful celebrations. Seems like you've got everything covered with your bestie, husband and family :) Enjoy!

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy every moment of YOUR day and this new year in your life...I remember my 28th and it seems like time just keeps flying by! :)

    Liesl :)

  4. Yay! Happy birthday. Welcome to the 28 club. i've been here for a while. it has its own rewards and troubles :)

    i can't remember if i ever told you but I share my birthday with my bestie too. same age and everything. how funny.

  5. happy birthday (again), but i can't believe you're 28!! i was thinking 27!

  6. Happy, happy birthday!! (Thanks so much for your comment & for continuing to read my blog despite my month-long hiatus!)

    I hope you have a beautiful and fabulous birthday-isn't fall fantastic!

    Happy weekend : )

  7. Happy birthday sweetie!! I hope you have an incredible one :)
