Sunday, January 16

Coffee & Keira

Keira Knightley is one of my top five favorite celebrities and has been since college. I envy her long, slim frame and love her feminine but rebellious style. I am always inspired by her photo shoots and have yet to watch one of her movies that I don't enjoy. {This one is still a favorite.} I stumbled upon these shots while blog-hopping and enjoying my morning coffee. I am drawn to the slightly unfocused frames and juxtaposition of the settings. They are just too lovely not to share!

Images taken by Ellen von Unwerth for Vogue Italia January 2011. Found here.


copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. The photos look so old, huh? I hadn't ever really given her much thought (and I'm not sure that I've ever seen one of her movies), but these pics are stunners for sure.

  2. Keira is definitely thin, but did you know she has kankles!?! Seriously, it's why she wears so many long dresses. Regardless, i do usually love the movies she stars in. I haven't seen Domino, but now that i know you like I'm going to totally check it out.

  3. loved her since bend it like beckham..
