Friday, February 18

It's a Plaid Plaid World

I don't really own a lot of flannel. It basically comes down to a set of sheets and this one shirt, but this shirt is perfect for so many things. Camping, day hikes, and general frivolity in the mountains. Or just general frivolity. And while this outfit isn't groundbreaking, it's great for school. Plus, the soft fabric makes me feel like I'm still wrapped up on those warm, cozy sheets all day long...

 Target flannel, UO black cigarettes, Tommy Hilfiger booties, Anthropologie necklace, old flower pin, vintage ring


copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. wow, this flower pin is gorgeous!! i love the mustard yellow color and it's perfect with the plaid shirt!

    cute and little

  2. Great look! Love the touch of the flower pin, which adds the perfect amount of femininity to the flannel shirt.
