Monday, April 4

Color Craze

Lately I feel like my fashion inspiration is going in polar opposite directions. Part of me loves the idea of color blocking and incorporating bright solids into my very patterned wardrobe, while the other part leans heavily towards summer neutrals.

Enter in the fact that I don't really love some of the things in my closet, and you begin to realize why I haven't posted an outfit in a while. So, in order to appease the small battle going on inside my head, here are some of my colorful choices. Now maybe I can actually get dressed in the morning....

Key pieces:
1. Multi-tone sandals - Zara
2. A bright mini - Zara
3. A little bit of orange - Topshop
4. Pink layers - J. Crew
5. Bright pumps - UO
6. A colorful clutch - Zara
7. Red trousers - Topshop

Part two of my inspiration coming soon... summer neutrals.

images 1, 2, 3
copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. beautifulness! i love those blue heels, great with the orange skinny combo!

  2. blue and orange? yes please. so fab!

  3. Another fellow Atlantan!

    I love the colors. I really don't have much color in my closet, but I'm working on it.

  4. Color blocking is fabulous. Color in general is fabulous but I get you on the neutrals. I have been doing the same thing and didn't even think about it until I just ready your post.
