Friday, June 24


While I recognize that this is a bizarre thing for a part-time blogger to say, lately I've needed a break from the social media scene. I love reading your comments here and catching up with each of your individual blogs, and I'm not going anywhere, but sometimes I need to get away. It's too easy to get caught up in all the glitz and gold and "what-do-I-need-to-buy-to-look-like-her?" and feel more than a bit overwhelmed and under-glamorous. {We've all been there.}

My friend Lesley got it right

Happy weekend.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. yeah I'm kind of there. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by how "plugged in" I am all the time that it makes me just want to disconnect from everything. I think breaks here and there are great ideas. Enjoy :)

  2. This is the same exact thing I have been going through. It's been a relief to just unplug.

  3. i've been wondering where your sweet tweets have been. i've been trying to cut back too. especially with a sweet boy to chase around in the warm summer sun!

  4. i miss you! i love reading your blog to catch up. i must say, though, that i empathize. i went to atl last week for a wedding, camped on VA beach on the way home, and i really really enjoyed "disappearing" from online/real life obligations and contact. best of luck to you, beautiful lady! next time when i am down south and have more time to spare, let's get together. or you always have an invitation to philly! <3
