Friday, November 18

Day 18

Today I am thankful for food & tastebuds & ....

Delicious recipes, like this and this that I plan to make very soon.
Homemade {sugar-free, gluten-free} sweet potato fries - made from scratch & fried in coconut oil.
The combination of red wine, dark chocolate & a good movie.
Green smoothies that start my day off right.
Chips and salsa - not paleo, but one of my favorite cheats.
Strong coffee & the man that makes it for me every morning.

What are you thankful for today?

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

1 comment:

  1. Loving all the thankful posts I am seeing these looking on the bright side! I have to say I am always thankful for chips and salsa...I agree! I'm thankful for the opportunity to go down to San Diego and stay with some close family friends in their new home this weekend! Have a lovely one!

    Liesl :)
