Tuesday, February 14

Love Day

While I agree with many of you that today is no more than a Hallmark holiday for a majority of America, there's a sweet simplicity to Valentine's day, I think. When you are truly grateful for encouraging, supportive people in your life, it's important to let them know, even if it comes on a day when the rest of the world is enamored with chocolate hearts and red hots.

So today, I am immensely thankful for the following people {among many others}:
my ever-supportive, dashingly handsome husband
{who surprised me with tulips and made this delicious chocolate cake last night}
my encouraging mother, whose wisdom I hope to one day acquire
my sister, who can make me laugh regardless of the circumstances
my bestie, who is always there for me, even when it's not pretty

Happy Valentine's Day.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

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