Friday, April 13

Friday Favorites


Today I need to remember the numerous reasons why my life is so wonderful - not because I have it all figured out or because I have the perfect job or the perfect husband or the perfect insert-whatever-here. My life is wonderful because I have the unfailing love and grace of the holy Savior, a husband who chooses to love me above any other, a family I can always count on, and friends who never fail to brighten my days. I come home to a house full of love and energy, to a sweet, playful pup who is always ready for a trail run, and to the most wonderful, caring man I have ever met.

Other, lighter-note favorites include:
these perfect-for-work summer wedges
this song and the accompanying video - I want to be at that party! 
a fan since the OC, I love me some LC

Happy weekend.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. Well said, my friend. Speaking right to me! Did you get your Glamour mag? LC looks gorge!

  2. Oh that's such a good quote. And it's important to keep all these things in perspective. Sometimes I read people's blogs and think "dang, she has the perfect life!" which is so silly since I know that, of course, none of us do.
