Monday, September 10

Beautiful Mess

So I unintentionally took a break from this space, but I'm not apologizing. I will, however, spare you the laundry list of things that have been overwhelming me lately. Suffice to say that I've been learning the art of patience and grace under fire these past few months, and I am finally realizing that my life needn't be perfect at all times. My house may be messy {but clean}, the bed may remain unmade. I might miss a workout to make a deadline or just because I want another hour of sleep. My outfit might not be perfect, and my hair may always be a bit messy. But it's okay.
Our messy bedroom at the end of the day. The carpet is heinous, and the walls are more blue than grey, despite my choice of a silver paint. I have too many ideas about what to hang over the bed, and new curtain rods are definitely in order.... but I'm learning to see things differently. I honestly love this space. It's where we seek solace, say I love yous, lay our heads each night, and welcome every new morning. Despite the room's shortcomings, I love it. We have years to recreate it, to mold it into something truly ours. 

I'm learning to let the small things go so that I don't miss out on the bigger, more important things. 

My life is a beautiful mess sometimes, but it sure is beautiful.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. Love this post, love you, and love your 'messes'.


  2. Love this post, love your 'messes' and love you.

