Friday, April 19

2013: Finding Contentment

Contentment (n.): a quiet, inward disposition that freely submits and delights in its communion with the Almighty Father, the strengthening one

Lately it seems that deep inward contentment in my life is an elusive and intangible thing. I feel it lacking my in daily life, bringing the weight of guilt and shame for my inner discontentment. I am truly so blessed, but I often let my circumstances define my attitude and let negativity steal my joy. And while gratitude journals are a wonderful outlet, I believe that true contentment comes from something much deeper.

I listened to this podcast a few months ago and find myself continually returning to different portions, reminding myself and refocusing my heart on where true contentment comes from. Yes, I am blessed with an amazing husband, a job that provides for my family, incredible friends, and a million tiny worldly joys, but even more than that, the creator of the universe believes that I am precious. So precious that He would crush His Son with the weight of a world of sin, solely that I may be reunited with Him and commune with Him. And focusing on that fact... that brings be true, heartfelt down-to-the-soul contentment.


Some days are more of a struggle than others, my attitude is far from perfect, but I am growing. I pray daily for a restful mind and a peaceful heart, for a change in circumstances, but most importantly for a change in my heart. And praise the Lord that His grace renews daily {or hourly, as I often require}. I hope you will take a few minutes to listen to this podcast -- in your car, on your lunch break or just for a time of quiet reflection. I promise it will be worth it.


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*I struggled with whether or not to publish this post, but in the spirit of transparency and complete honesty, I hope you find it beneficial.  God bless.

1 comment:

  1. This is just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing!
