Tuesday, November 19

Paleo Hot Chocolate* // Take One

Hot chocolate is one of those comfort foods for me. I remember my mom making me a cup to go as I headed out the door to high school... and when she stayed up late with me writing papers or studying for organic chemistry exams in college... and when she sat with me while I memorized countless amino acid structures in pharmacy school. For me the ultimate comforting snack is creamy hot cocoa and crackers with cheese. So naturally, I decided to make a more paleo-friendly version for the winter and holiday season.

You will need:
about 1 cup raw cacao butter chunks
1/2 cup cocoa poweter
1/2 cup room temperature maple syrup
a pinch of fine grain sea salt
flaked sea salt for finishing, if desired (I left this out as I knew we would be using these primarily for cocoa)

I followed this recipe from Oh She Glows (one of my favorite recipe sites) which was really very simple. I found the daisy mold and the raw cocao here (of course). Unfortunately, I wasn't as impressed by this recipe as I had hoped. While our mug of cocoa was tasty, the individual chocolates didn't melt very well, and overall, it just wasn't quite chocolatey enough. Next time I will try this recipe, but nonetheless, these little homemade chocolates were quite a tasty treat on their own. 


copyright Hiking in Stilettos


*I've said this before, but I use the term "paleo" loosely when referring to treats. Strictly speaking, sugar of any kind (maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar, etc.) is not a part of the paleo diet. That being said, I also believe in indulging every now and then, and in this season of apple ciders and fireplace fires, I think that a healthier version of my favorite childhood treat is more than appropriate. 

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