Having spent the last week battling a cold, trying to do too much while under the weather, and living with my kitchen in shambles {pictures soon!}, I am acutely aware of the amazing people in my life.
I am so very grateful for an understanding husband who didn't make me sleep in the guest room despite my hourly coughing fits in the middle of the night, who asked repeatedly if there was anything he could do, who brought me tissues and hot tea, who stayed home from work yesterday so I wouldn't be exposed to paint fumes while the painters finished our kitchen, and who rubbed my back as I slept in fitful bursts on the couch.
I am also grateful for my sweet, caring mother who cheerfully takes on even the most insignificant task as meaningful to someone else. Over the last week she has helped me hang wallpaper in our built-in book shelves and organize the mess of our guest room closets {pre-death's door cold}, spray painted the kitchen hardware when I was feeling puny, swept my kitchen floor, and found and purchased the most perfect piece of furniture that I've been searching for for our second bedroom {details to come!}.
I am grateful for a boss and co-workers who are understanding and caring, and for being able to genuinely have fun at work.
I am grateful for blue skies, changing leaves and cool breezes, for spending the afternoon wrapped up in a warm blanket on the front porch and having my husband bring me hot tea.
And most of all, despite it's difficulties past, present and future, I am grateful for this season of my life.
What are your grateful for today?
copyright Hiking in Stilettos
I'm so glad you have such wonderful people in your life. Hope you are feeling better! xoxo