Tuesday, August 19

Jekyll Island 01

Our little family spent a long weekend at Jekyll Island last weekend to celebrate K's little sister's wedding, and let me tell you it was so lovely! We left on Thursday and came home on Sunday, so it was a slight whirlwind of a trip, but it was great nonetheless. 

Elliot loved splashing in the salt water pool and walking on the eerily lovely driftwood beaches. We explored the historic district on Saturday, and I fell completely in love with the big, sprawling trees covered in Spanish moss. We took our Stokke Scoot that the folks at Stokke so graciously gifted us, and it was perfect for strolling along the old streets. I love how E can see everything and still face me! I would really like to make a return trip in the fall or winter when the heat isn't quite so overbearing. 

The wedding itself was perfection, and we are so incredibly happy for the newlyweds. Weddings make me all sentimental about the day I tied my life to that amazing man of mine. I love being a part of that day in other people's lives. I think it is so very romantic to promise eternal companionship, to say 'I will daily choose you above all others for the rest of my life.'

 More pictures to come!

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the stroller. I want one.

    These pictures are so pretty. You guys are such a pretty little family. Need to see you in person soon.
