Thursday, August 21

Whole30 Prep Work: Recipe Testing

{Baby E likes talking about vegetables and the benefits of eating a rainbow.}

I am gearing up for my next Whole30, starting in September, so the next couple weeks I plan to try out some new recipes in hopes of breaking up the mundane and finding some simple, busy-schedule-friendly ideas. I will post the meal plan next week or so if you want to follow along and complete the challenge with me! {You can find the meal plan for the last Whole30 here.}

I have been feeling pretty tired and rundown and just generally 'bleh' lately, so I decided that another Whole30 was in order. {And yes, 'bleh' is a perfectly acceptable medical  term.} For me, this means cutting out the following things:
-- Heavy cream in my coffee 
-- My nightly square of dark chocolate
-- Corn chips on the weekend
-- Red wine on the weekend

I think the dairy, grass-fed though it is, is making me congested and potentially causing some bell bloating. The corn chips, which are my vice, completely blow my low-carb diet out the window, so I think it's time to remove them, and giving up chocolate/sugar and wine for a month is definitely a good thing. 

All that being said, I'm trying out some new recipes over then next couple weeks. With a full time job and five month old taking over my life, I need to find some simple, easy to prepare recipes that I can make ahead of time. For me the key to success is preparation. Here are a few recipes on my list:

This would be good for breakfast or lunch or even dinner paired with a mixed green salad!

Homemade Almond Milk - Against All Grain
This is something I've been meaning to try for a while, so now seems like the perfect time. I will be drinking my coffee black during my Whole30, but sometimes a little almond milk is a nice addition.

Chicken Pesto Meatballs + Marinara - The Clothes Make the Girl
I'm a big fan of zucchini noodles, and with all the fresh basil in our garden, I really want to try a paleo pesto, so this recipe sounds right up my alley.

Shirred Eggs - Against All Grain
I'm always looking for ways to spice up my regular breakfast of scrambled eggs and chicken sausage, and this recipe sounds like a winner.

Check back late next week for the first week's meal plan.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. thanks for the new Whole 30 recipes. I will check them out to see if they will work for my go to food/meals list.


  2. You go.

    Although, I might try to lure you off the wagon (on the wagon? never know the correct term) for an evening on our new screened porch. Are you kidding me with the no wine rule?

  3. Of course we have the EXACT same vices. I was thinking of doing a whole30 in September as well. I need to jump start my system.

