Friday, September 26

Hello Weekend 01

Oh hello weekend, it's good to see you.

I am off work today (praise!) so we are spending some extra time at home in our pajamas. We had a lot of early mornings this week -- out of the house by 6am -- so I feel like little bit needs some time to roll around and play at home. (And so do I!) Also, I have decided that there is nothing cuter in this world that babes in footie pajamas. 

A few things for your weekend:

I'm in LOVE with these leather plant hangers.
In keeping with a plant theme, these fall flowers are gorgeous. I'm particularly smitten with the arrangement in the test tubes, naturally.
Also, gilded terracotta pots because, hello!
My fall wardrobe will consist of leggings, long sweaters & sweatshirts, topknots & boots.
Who wants to buy me this bag for my birthday? ;) Or this one, I'm not picky. Ha!
Elliot's favorite hymns are It is well with my soul and How great thou art, so he loves this song.

Happy weekend.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

1 comment:

  1. I love your lil guys outfit...where the heck do you find cute boy stuff?!?
