Saturday, October 18

Weekends + Wishlists

Lately I've been compiling a small list of items that I would love to own. Husband and I didn't do anything for each other for our birthdays this year or for our anniversary, so I am thinking a few select gifts may be in order for the Christmas season. Also, considering the fact that last year every single gift I received (not exaggerating!) was for Elliot, a couple indulgences would be nice. Here is a carefully curated list of lovely things that would make excellent gifts, in my opinion:

This Pendelton blanket is at the top of my list. I have been wanting one for years now, and since we are finally at a somewhat finished place with our master bedroom renovations, it may be time to invest. The one I originally wanted is no longer available in the size we need, but I really like the pattern of this one as well. 

These grey and white striped napkins would be nice. We don't use paper towels too much in our house, but I'd like to limit our use even more by having some lovely but practical cloth napkins on hand.

A few new linen kitchen towels would be nice as well (perhaps this one, this one and this one). Because I typically buy white ones, but they become discolored too quickly, and honestly it's time to do some replacing. (But don't worry. Those old, discolored towels will be disinfected and transformed into dust rags and baby wipes.)

And maybe one of these lovely trays... to corral the random items on our coffee table and because I have a soft spot for trays

This stain remover bar. I am a recovering Tide pen-aholic, but since removing chemicals, etc from our home, I haven't looked back. Nonetheless, this is a great thing to have on hand, especially when the tiny being in your house has a penchant for spilling your coffee on the beige sofa.

A pair of short, colorful rain boots. Because they are practical.. and cute.

A pretty pair of kitchen scissors and a magnetic knife block

And if we are dreaming big.... this beautiful essential oil organizer

Happy weekend.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

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