Wednesday, July 7

adventure no.95 : colorado road trip {part 2}

{Sorry it has taken so long to post these! School got in the way of blogging and photo editing and sleeping and emails for a while, and then my computer hard drive crashed, taking many of our photos with it! You canfind the first part of this series here.}

{leaving Pagosa Springs, CO}

After we left Pagosa Springs and the ski resort behind, we headed an hour west towards Durango. As soon as we drove into the downtown area, I was enamored. I absolutely adore this city and really can't wait to go back. It's the quintessential little mountain town, rich in history and filled with independent coffee shops, restaurants, shops, and breweries. We loved taking in the local scene. Our favorite stops were the homemade turkey-cranberry sandwiches and strong, flavorful coffee at the Durango Brewing Company coffee house and the Evergreen seasonal brew and chipotle chicken wraps at Steamworks brewery.

We stayed in the historic Strater hotel where the furniture was original from the 1920s. The rooms were small compared to your standard Marriot, but they were so very charming. A trade I would gladly make any day. The hotel lobby was filled with authentic Indian and Western American artifacts, and with it being just before Christmas, the town was brimming with life and full of twinkle lights, Christmas trees, and snow.

After leaving Durgano, we took the long way back to the east coast, stopping in small towns like Silverton and Ouray along our way. We had lunch at the Brown Bear Cafe in Silverton, which was actually the only place open in this three street town.

{The small town of Silverton, CO}

Our stop in Ouray, Colorado allowed us to watch a group of ice climbers traverse the frozen waterfalls that ran along the roadside. It looked incredibly cold, but fun, as the climbers made their way slowly up the frozen water.

{Ice fishing!}

After a few more photo stops, we headed towards Colorado Springs and then onto Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and {finally} to Georgia.

Overall, it was a really great trip, and I look forward to going back when we have more time to spend in each little city.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. Gorgeous! How refreshing to see snow when we are wilting in heat where I am...
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  2. One of my favorite things to do when in new cities is to find the local coffee shops with the best good, strong coffee. I don't think there's anything that makes you feel more "local" than that. :)

  3. AWESOME adventure! the pictures are grrrrrrrrreat!

  4. Wow it looks like there is some amazing things to see in colorado! I think your pictures have swayed me that this is where I want to take my next holiday expedition! WOW!

    - nice site by the way
