Friday, August 12

Weekend Adventure No. 26: Kayaking the Nantahala River

Not too long ago I mentioned how I wanted to live life with a fearless attitude. Included in that transformation was beginning to do more things that scare me -- presenting my research to well-established and accomplished professionals, completing a medical mission trip outside of the states, taking more {calculated} risks and experiencing new things, just to name a few. Recently, I was able to get my feet wet {see what I did there?} with this new fearless attitude by maneuvering a kayak through class three rapids {with no prior paddling experience, mind you}... solo.

Husband and I spent last Saturday on the Nantahala River, and while I was more than a bit scared at times, it was well worth the anxiety. In fact, we have a return trip planned for Labor Day weekend!

Happy paddling.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos


  1. Looks like adventure filled fun!

    Liesl :)

  2. aw, I love kayaking! Looks like you all had so much fun. Love the bottom left image.
