Friday, June 29

Summer Favorites

This week has been a whirlwind of workdays and workouts and has left little time for relaxing, so I plan on laying pretty low this weekend. A long trail run or road bike ride, dinner with kindredly and her husband, painting and making a shelf in our master bathroom, and baking a little paleo treat.

And since summer is in full swing here in the south, here are some of my favorite summer items...
an easy recipe filled with summer flavors

Happy {summer} weekend

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

Thursday, June 28

Workin on My Fitness

Well, it's official. I'm a member of Crossfit Decatur!

Today was day three of my in-gym WODs after a year or so of on and off Crossfit workouts at home. I felt that I was limited by my {lack of} available equipment and wanted feedback about technique and form, so I decided it was time to find a local affiliate. And after just three days, I couldn't be happier. Currently, my upper body strength feels shot, my arms and shoulders are sore and my back is super tight, but all of that just means that I pushed myself far, built strength, and got a great workout. 

So here's a day off tomorrow and oh so many more WODs.


copyright Hiking in Stilettos

Tuesday, June 26

Light it Up

One of the first projects I have taken on in our new house is the master bathroom. It honestly needs quite a bit of work {envision carpeted floors, no tub, and a sliding door shower}, but for now I'm transforming the spaces with paint, hardware and textiles and new lighting. One of my current challenges is the lighting over the sink and mirror. Here are some of my inspirations that combine both aesthetics and functionality.

This weekend the plan is to transform the oddly placed window in the water closet into a beadboard shelf. Pictures to come!

Also, how about a lighted tub?

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

Monday, June 25

Paleo Lifestyle: Know your Pantry

By far the biggest challenge to paleolithic eating is figuring out the 'what the heck am I going to eat' dilemma. It isn't an easy transition from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to one that is full of whole foods, devoid of grains and dairy, and still satisfying and delicious. I've decided to start a series of posts that I hope will help those of you looking to create a more paleo-centric lifestyle*. Happy paleo-ing!


The first step in transitioning to a grain-free, whole food lifestyle is stocking your pantry and fridge with the appropriate foods. Obviously fresh vegetables and fruits are the simplest starting point. There are a few versatile vegetables that I always keep on hand, regardless of whether or not they are in that week's menu:
Sweet potatoes
Zucchini (in the summer)
Spaghetti squash (in the winter)

Sweet potatoes: use these for everything from a side dish {OR roasted with bell peppers and onions} to smoothies, with eggs {minus the cream cheese} at breakfast or as a main course.
Cauliflower: an old trick, but cauliflower is a great rice substitute to add to stir fry, paleo pad thai or a chicken pot pie. Just throw it in a food processor until it's your desired consistency. I like mine finely chopped, almost like a couscous texture.
Zucchini: easy to throw on the grill, it's also a great substitute for pasta... asian or italian
Spaghetti squash: another noodle substitute, spaghetti squash also make a great 'boat' for a variety of savory winter bakes.

Moving onto the pantry, there are a few key ingredients that your should familiarize yourself with:
Almond flour and Coconut flour
Arrowroot powder
Raw honey and Coconut palm sugar
Coconut oil and Grapeseed oil

Almond and Coconut flours: to be used in moderation, since they are obviously made from almonds and coconuts {both are good things, but you don't want too much of either.} These are good for Saturday morning biscuits or pancakes, a savory pie crust for quiche or a chicken pot pie, and the occasional paleo cookie.
Arrowroot powder: think of it as the paleo equivalent to corn starch. It's a thickening agent that I use in my pot pie recipe, to thicken blueberries for pancakes, etc.
Raw honey and coconut palm sugar: my preferred sweeteners, to be used only in moderation. Read more about natural sweeteners here.
Coconut and Grapeseed oils: in addition to olive oil, the only oils that I cook with. Grapeseed oil is a good butter/vegetable oil substitute as is coconut oil.

I truly believe that stocking your kitchen with whole, healthy foods is the first step in transitioning to a paleo lifestyle. It's so cliche, but true - if it's there, you'll eat it. So get rid of the breads, the cookie mix, anything with high-fructose corn syrup or modified food starch, the cereal, etc. and stock your pantry and fridge with vegetables, grass-fed beef and free range chicken, a few pieces of fruit, and better options for when you're craving SAD cuisine. 

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

 *I hate the word 'diet.' It has such a negative connotation, implying short-term deprivation and rules. I prefer to think of our dietary choices as a lifestyle, something we are committed to not just for a couple months as a weight-loss effort, but as a means of improving our health and promoting wellness in our lives.

Thursday, June 21



The past few weeks have been a balancing act between loving my new {amazing} job, spending evenings and weekends studying for board exams, commuting to the city, and muddling through some recent personal revelations. 

I want this space to be honest, inspiring, and real. I want it to be a reflection of all the blessings and happiness in my life. And not because my life is perfect because in fact, it is far from perfect, but because I want to live my life focused on positive, uplifting things. And a life such as that only comes through a strong personal relationship with the Lord. 

That being said, I'm taking the week off to enjoy the sand, sun, my husband and some alone time with my Savior. I'll be back next week with a fresh outlook and new ideas that I do want to share with you. But for now, I think some reflecting is in order.


copyright Hiking in Stilettos

Thursday, June 14


 all found here


Friday, June 8

Friday Favorites

Between 11 hour work days, studying for pharmacy boards, and taking part one {of three} of my licensing exams, this week felt incredibly long. Needless to say, I'm pretty tired and am really looking forward to some down time this weekend. My plans include an adventure race, these homemade popsicles, studying with a good cup of coffee, and perhaps a Sunday matinee or an afternoon nap.

Also loving this bracelet, my new favorite BBQ joint, these insanely comfortable wedges, and my nephew's little league games.

What's on your calendar for the weekend?


copyright Hiking in Stilettos

Wednesday, June 6


J. Crew tee, Ann Taylor skirt (similar here), Etsy necklace, Target wedges, vintage and Loft bracelets 
I have no words for this post. That's what happens when you're in the  throes of studying for pharmacy boards. You brain just stops working. Hopefully my cognitive abilities will somehow revive and make it through the next three weeks. Here's hoping.

{P.S. You can read the story behind this necklace here}

copyright Hiking in Stilettos

Monday, June 4


If you had told me a few years ago that I would be purchasing a cropped top at the age of 29, I wouldn't believe you. As a child of the 80s, crop tops remind me of big hair, neon green and spandex. Not exactly the best combination. A high waist pencil skirt, swan bralet and nude platforms, however, is something completely different. Because sometimes, showing just a bit of skin is all you need to add a sexy punch to an outfit.

What are your thoughts on the cropped trend?

copyright Hiking in Stilettos 

Friday, June 1

Long Weekend(s)

Certain signs of a great weekend:
- homemade strawberry pancakes
- close friends & strong coffee
- little adventures
- mountain sunrises & a lion's mane
- not wanting to return to work even though you love your job

Lately, I've also found a little frog hiding in my basil plant, ran in a 5K is support of the fire department, found a new favorite coffee shop, and had two wonderful Friday afternoon dates with my bestie. I'm so happy to be working in the city where so many of my favorite people live and to be living in the quiet country with my sweet and handsome husband.

Happy weekending.

copyright Hiking in Stilettos