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Monday, January 21

2013: Focusing on Gratitude

One of the simplest ways to gain perspective is to keep a gratitude journal. Having a visible, tangible representation of things hat I am grateful for helps to soothe my soul after a challenging day and reminds me of the countless blessings in my life. It's also uplifting to read my past gratitudes and relive the precious moments I recorded. Most of my gratitudes deal with my husband, family and friends, but sometimes even the small things like french roast coffee can make your day just a bit brighter.

So, for 2013 I challenge you to keep a gratitude journal. Every day, or as often as you choose, jot down one thing that you are thankful for that day. I also like to record one moment from the day that touched me or one that I just want to remember. Even in the face of adversity, we are so very blessed.


copyright Hiking in Stilettos

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