i was never a fan of halloween as a kid.
i loved dressing up {ballerinas and pippi longstocking were my favorite},
but i was always scared of the creepy masks and clowns parading down the street.
even as an adult, i just don't get excited over halloween.
last year was the first in quite a while
that i actually dressed up and went to a party.
{we were the twelve months, and i was miss april. april showers!}
that being said, i really can't explain my fascination with tim burton.
i loved edward scissorhands and beetlejuice growing up,
and the nightmare before christmas is among my favorite movies.
so when i saw the new harper's bazaar,
i was ecstatic.

some of the images are a bit creepy for my inner clown-fearing adolescent,
but i love dark, ominous quality of the shoot.

images courtesy of harper's bazaar
the images with the oversized skeleton are my very favorites;
i love the juxtaposition of vibrant flowers and the ominous skeleton.
it almost makes me rethink my aversion to halloween.
i wouldn't mind walking around in a couture red dress and stilettos.
i just have to talk husband into being the skeleton....
copyright Hiking in Stilettos
LOVE these pics!!! What fun!
i should've never looked at this particular post. that damn skeleton is going to give me nightmares tonight haha
Love the pics! Just the right amount of creepy. :)
I saw these somewhere else!!- I think they are so creepy but in a beautiful way-love it!
interesting pics but not really my cup of tea.
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