let me take a few moments and introduce you to a few of my incredibly talented, incredibly inspiring friends....
if you are looking for some serious fashion inspiration look no further than thelittlebit. this girl has a way of seeing fashion and clothes that none other can match. to say that she thinks outside of the fashion box just doesn't cut it.
for some incredible handmade "children's clothing and accessories, toys, and trinkets for your home," look no further than the homemade grits etsy store. this girl is beyond talented with sewing abilities that i can only dream of. also, check out her blog for more inspiration!
for your daily dose of absolute hilarity, check out my girl kindredly. with topics ranging from the latest fashion trends, fashion disasters, days at work, fixing up the house, books to read, and the city in general, her blog literally makes me laugh out loud. not to mention that she has fabulous fashion sense.
and for you locals looking for the best places to eat/shop/listen to great music/find great art in the decatur/atlanta area, check out the asiancajuns. everything you could ever want to know about the city with a huge dose of fashion as well! with such different styles, their site is a great place for inspiration.
my friends are so very talented.
copyright Hiking in Stilettos
awww..Thanks, dear!
Let's get together again v. soon! :) I'm thinking shopping trip.
btw- love the little picture label things you have to the right. Very cool.
I "know" the asiancajuns, but not the others! Off to check them out now! :)
love it!
muah! what great company to be in. thanks ashley, i think you're pretty awesome too! xo
Thank you for the shout out! We love you too!
I wish Erin would start a full fledged blog. I miss seeing her pretty face all gussied up!
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